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What is our website about


Our mobile application is an approach to cyclists in which, once registered, you can interact with this app

On a map with GPS, you can give a signal or see the signals marked by other users, such as, shock, theft, cue and even trace your routes, wherever you want to go.

In addition to a "Social Network" in which you talk privately with another user of the app.

  • "Welcome cyclists"

This page is made for the help of cyclists creating a mobile application, to make life easier for people, thinking about their safety.


Mision de nuestra aplicacion

Nuestra misión es brindar seguridad en una aplicación móvil para los ciclistas,

con un mapa GPS, y dar señales de precaución, Ademas fomentar el uso de la bicicleta

Equipo de Trabajo

Hans Neckelmann

Carlos Curaqueo

Estudiantes de Ingeniería en Informatica 4º Año

Duoc Uc

Call to action


Déjanos tu comentario en nuestra Fan Page


Antonio Varas 666, Providencia, Santiago

Región Metropolitana


Tel: 87509433

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